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Lewinson family in Victoria Park with Astor House Hotel in background, circa 1936

Eva wearing school uniform of Tientsin Grammar School, circa 1937

Revocation of German Citizenship.
Document used as passport, 1938-1945.

Revocation of German Citizenship.
Document used as passport, 1938-1945.

Eva with Amah, circa 1935.

Peter and Mrs. Keen with Eva on their donkey. Peitaho, circa 1937

Eva, circa 1938.

Eva (seated in front) with Nina Foxlee as Russian peasant boy and girl and Ada Foxlee (standing third from left).
Madame Voitenko's recital, circa 1940-41.

Gordon Hall, Victoria Road during Tientsin flood, 1939.

All Saints Church during Tientsin flood, 1939.

Leopold Building, Victoria Road during flood, 1939.

Aftermath of Japanese bombing of Tientsin, July 1937.

Telegram from Norbert during the siege of Tientsin, dated Dec. 23, 1948.

Telegram from Norbert during the siege of Tientsin, dated Jan. 9, 1949.

Eva, circa mid-1940s.
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